Sunday, October 21, 2007

Inexpensive, Creative and Eco-friendly Gift Ideas

A recent survey has shown that people would rather receive a photo album of times shared than a store-bought gift. But that's just one idea for a meaningful gift. We have lots of others.

Gifts for Children:

  1. The makings for hand puppets: Brown lunch bags, googly eyes, stray buttons, scissors, markers, etc.

  2. Box of dress up clothes: Old dresses, high heel shoes, cowboy boots, collared shorts, and millions of other fun outfit ideas can all be found at thrift or second-hand stores have great selections.

  3. Jewelry kit: All you need is string, beads, and metal clasps.

  4. Upside-Down Day: Let kids set the day’s agenda (with parental supervision). Take off your watch, wear pajamas under your coat to the movies, eat dessert for breakfast, the list is endless when kid’s creativity is in control

  5. Write and illustrate a story with the child as the main character.

Homemade Gifts:

  1. Booklet of your favorite memories: Write or type up your favorite memories of/with someone and lay it out in a book or on a page.

  2. Personalized cookbook: This is a great way to pass along some of your favorite dishes, especially during a time of year when family gatherings mean lots of good meals.

  3. Set up a monthly lunch date or phone call: Perfect for elderly friends or relatives.

  4. Monthly care basket: Works really well for those who spend most of the year in separate places. Over the holidays send them their first basket of muffins or banana bread for January, and then each month of the year send something new to go with the theme of that month.

  5. Make your own cards and send them to relatives and good friends.

  6. Make your own calendar using cut-out pictures, photos, and/or drawings.

  7. Gift of art: For grandparents, a framed picture drawn by a grandchild is the perfect present.

Gifts of Time:

  1. Special activities with a significant other--a candlelit dinner, massage, or outdoor activity.

  2. A monthly lunch date with an elderly relative or friend.

  1. Reconnect with someone: Call an estranged friend or write a letter to someone you haven’t seen in a few years.

Family Gifts:

  1. A jigsaw puzzle for the whole family.

  2. Set up a family tournament in your favorite card game / port whether it is Cricket, Uno, Scrabble, Dumb charades etc.

  3. Tickets to a favorite cultural or sporting event

  4. A family hike, game of capture the flag, tag, or hide-and-go-seek.

Gifts for the Environment:

  1. Instead of new wrapping paper, reuse old paper—the Sunday comics section, old maps, decorated brown grocery bags, or a colorful piece of material.

  2. Gift a plant.

Donations in the name of a Loved One:

  1. Give a donation to a local cause such as a shelter for battered women, a local environment group, etc. Call local churches, orphanages, and charitable organizations for ideas.

  2. Give a friend a membership to a non-profit organization You can do lots more with do it yourself gift ideas…go to our 6 eco gifting ideas post.

Happy Gifting
The Eco Responsive Team

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