Monday, January 7, 2008

Minutes of Eco Committee Meeting on 7th January 2008


  • Manjit
  • Diti
  • Chandrakant
  • Harsh
  • Seema
  • Devatanu
  • Priyank


  1. Ecoresponsive celebrated its 6 months anniversary today by cutting a delicious chocolate cake.
  2. Experts will be called in this year to discuss various eco issues
  3. Eco site name was fixed and the domain registeration would be done by Prakash aas soon as possible
  4. Discussions on how Car stickers will be made by kids
  5. Various Ec0responsive events can be given out to press to make people understand what steps we are taking to be ecosensitive.
  6. Idea of adopting a nursery was forwarded by Seema
  7. The venue for Tree Plantation drive needs to be decided. Also the cost for the same should be as minimal as possible.
  8. Ideas on how we can shape the tender minds of young kids to be Ecoresponsive were discussed.
  9. Venue for kids events / workshops will be found out.
  10. Kids of the employees would be invited as guests to participate in the events.

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